About Me

My name is Christina. I’m a blogger who is passioned about piercing. I have 2 piercings: Ear lobe and Madonna piercings for 17 years.

I’m 32, a lovely mom of  Ava and a wife to my husband Alex.

BTW, I used to have 2 other piercings that I removed (helix and nostril). By the way, helix one was done using a piercing gun. I had a problem with its aftercare because of that. And now my goal is to spread the word how wrong that method of getting pierced.

It pisses me off when I can’t find information about piercing type I interested in. That is why Piercee was created.

On this blog, I gather all possible information that can be useful for piercing freshmen. Hope you will find what you need.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions.

My mission – educate people about piercing worldwide.

Need more additional information – visit Association of Professional Piercers at https://www.safepiercing.org/

Khrystyna Andrusenko