Looking for a simple, classic piercing to add to your collection? Read more about ear lobe piercings here!
Below you’ll find all you need to know about ear lobe piercings. Details like cost, piercing procedure, healing time and pain level are covered so you’ll know what to expect. Aftercare product recommendations and a massive photo gallery will help you make your new ear lobe piercing all your own.
What is an Ear Lobe Piercing?
Ear lobe piercings perforate the center of the earlobe. Studs, hoops or rings are traditionally used to accent the ear lobe. These piercings can be stretched to fit plugs or tunnels as well.
Should You Get an Ear Lobe Piercing?
As with any piercing, there are risks and rewards that come with getting your ear lobe pierced. Read the pros & cons below to see if this piercing is right for you:
- The procedure is quick and relatively painless compared to most other piercings.
- Earlobe piercings are quite easy to maintain, and a variety of jewelry is available to help dress them up.
- Piercing guns and other risky methods can leave you with more damage than you bargained for. Make sure to seek out an experienced piercer to avoid these issues.
- Infection is a concern with any piercing, and ear lobe piercings are no exception. However, proper aftercare will help to seriously reduce this risk.
Piercing Procedure
The first step to any piercing is finding a reputable piercer. Once you arrive at the shop, your piercer will go over the procedure with you and have you fill out some paperwork while they setup. When you’re both ready, your piercer will clean your earlobes and mark them with a surgical pen. Make sure you like these marked locations before moving forward!
Your piercer will then secure your earlobe with a clamp and puncture the skin with a hollow needle. This procedure will be repeated on the other side if you are having both your ears pierced. As a last step, the needles will be changed out for jewelry. Upon completion, your piercer will discuss proper aftercare with you. Make sure to ask any lingering questions before leaving the shop.
Watch the video below to see this procedure in real time:
How Much do Ear Lobe Piercings Hurt?
2 out of 10
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Ear lobe piercings rank at a 2/10 on the pain scale. Tissue on the ear lobe is super fleshy and does not contain many nerve endings, so the associated pain is very mild.
However, you will most likely experience swelling and tenderness for a few days after being pierced. Using cold compresses and taking ibuprofen makes this initial healing phase more tolerable.
Read more about the most & least painful piercings.
Healing And Aftercare
Ear lobe healing time normally takes anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks.
Proper aftercare can potentially help speed up this process. Follow the guidelines below for a happy and healthy piercing:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing.
- Do not remove your jewelry while your piercing is still healing. Early jewelry removal can cause immediate piercing closure.
- Keep your phone and pillowcase clean to avoid infection or piercing bumps.
- Sleep on your back or opposite side to avoid putting pressure on your new piercing.
- Clean your piercing twice per day as directed below.
Read more about proper aftercare technique.
How to Clean Your Piercing
Saline solution is the safest bet for cleaning your piercing since it’s gentle while removing unwanted bacteria. Never use harsh chemicals like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your piercing as they can cause irritation.
Make your own saline solution at home by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 8 oz of warm water. Pour some saline solution on a clean pad or towel and hold it on your piercing for a few minutes. This will soothe your piercing and help loosen any debris that may be stuck. Once this time has passed, clean off the ends of your jewelry and discard the towel. Repeat this procedure once in the morning and once at night for a consistently clean piercing.
Earlobe Piercing Image Gallery
Recommended Aftercare Products
Sea salt
This piercing sea salt is ideal for making your own saline solution at home.
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Buy Now on Amazon
Piercing aftercare spray
Saline spray is a great on-the-go option. Toss it in your bag and clean your piercing anywhere!
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Best Jewelry
It’s important to wait until your piercing is completely healed before changing your jewelry. Once healing is complete, almost any jewelry option can be used in your ear lobe piercings. Circular barbells, rings, labret studs, captive bead rings, hoops and clickers are all popular options for ear lobe piercings. Always make sure to insist on stainless steel or titanium jewelry to avoid allergic reactions, and make sure your jewelry is properly sized to fit your ear.
Ear stretching is also an option if large gauge jewelry interests you. Stretching takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it if you want to wear larger jewelry!
How Much do Ear Lobe Piercings Cost?
- In the US, earlobe piercings cost anywhere from $35 – $40.
- In the UK, earlobe piercings cost anywhere from £25 – £30.
- In Europe, earlobe piercings cost anywhere from €30 – €35.
These prices usually reflect the relative experience of the piercer and include basic jewelry. Any jewelry upgrades will most likely cost more.