Best Dainty Cartilage Piercings for 2022
In the name of starting off 2022 on the right foot, Piercee’s put together a comprehensive list of the most ...
In the name of starting off 2022 on the right foot, Piercee’s put together a comprehensive list of the most ...
Masks have become a fashion statement on staying safe since 2020, and many common facial piercings are now hidden from ...
Ever since the COVID has hit the United States and we have gone into lockdown, nose and mouth piercings have ...
Piercings have been around for thousands of years, and they have spanned over different cultures and communities throughout the world. ...
While it's easy to get stoked over your new piercing, don’t forget about the serious part that follows getting pierced: ...
PiercedUp was created to showcase and celebrate body piercings and modifications across the globe. Providing information, as well as inspiration for both new and seasoned members of our community, is a top priority.
The information provided on this website is not verified or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent medical issues that may arise from body modification. All aspects of body modification (style, pain threshold, healing time) should be seriously considered before committing to a certain procedure. Please visit a professional piercer or tattooist in your area for any specific questions or concerns you may have. Insisting on best practices for the safety and health of any procedure are your responsibility and will ensure a safe healing process. Proper medical advice and attention should be sought from a doctor when necessary.
© 2021 Piercee - Body Piercing Inspiration
© 2021 Piercee - Body Piercing Inspiration