While it’s easy to get stoked over your new piercing, don’t forget about the serious part that follows getting pierced: daily piercing aftercare.
These simple aftercare tips help to avoid piercing infection or rejection while healing.
This article details the necessary information to lead you through the piercing aftercare process.
Find out how to responsibly clean your piercing, make cleaning solutions at home, and handle piercing irritation that may arise. Supplemental video tutorials help make this process easy and straightforward.
8 Steps to Cleaning a Piercing
Cleaning your piercing is an essential part of the aftercare process and should be performed every day during the healing period.

Early on, it’s ideal to clean your new piercing twice a day. Make sure to follow these instructions so you don’t risk irritating your piercing during the cleaning process.
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Cleaning your piercing twice per day initially is ideal.
- Thoroughly wash your hands with soap before touching your piercing. This helps keep outside bacteria from contaminating your new piercing.
- Keep the jewelry intact in your piercing and do NOT try to remove it during cleaning! Many healing piercings will close if the jewelry is removed too early.
- Prepare the products (warm saline solution, spray, antimicrobial soap) you will use to clean your piercing.
- Prepare the cloth or towel you will use with these products. Place them on a clean surface to avoid any outside contamination.
- Apply the product onto the cloth with clean hands.
- Hold the cloth over the piercing gently. You may want to lightly wipe any existing build-up off of the piercing, but be careful not to spin or tug on the piercing. Tugging or spinning act like scab removal and can lengthen healing time.
- Use another clean cloth to wipe off any excess solution to avoid irritation or build-up.
- Be sure to diligently clean your piercing twice per day for the initial healing period (anywhere from 2-4 weeks).
Best Piercing Cleaners
Using a reliable & safe cleaning solution can help speed up healing and reduce chance of infection. Three reliable aftercare cleaners include:
- Saline solution (made at home)
- Saline spray
- Antibacterial soap
Saline Solution
Making a saline solution for piercings is the most efficient and effective way to gently clean your piercing. Saline washes are also available in pharmacies, piercing shops or online.
Saline wash is quick and simple to make as long as you are equipped with non-iodized sea salt and distilled water.
To make the solution, measure four teaspoons of sea salt and pour them into the gallon jug. Avoid adding too much salt as it may cause skin irritation and piercing issues. Shake the gallon up until the salt has dissolved and you now have a reliable piercing cleaner!
Once you’ve got your solution, pour some onto a clean pad or cloth and use it as a compress on both sides of your piercing. This will help build-up come off without scrubbing or moving. Remove any excess liquid or build up with a clean tissue to avoid potential salt crystallization.
Saline Spray
Saline piercing sprays are available in piercing shops and some drug stores as a convenient on-the-go cleaning option. NeilMed wound wash is an industry mainstay for how effective and gentle it is.
Using the same procedure as above, wash your hands and spray some wound wash on a pad or cloth. Hold it to your piercing for a couple minutes to gently loosen any debris that has formed. Remove any debris and make sure the area is dry when you’re done.
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Antimicrobial Soap
Using antimicrobial soap for piercings is recommended later in the healing process. Soap is more abrasive to a new piercing and should be avoided to decrease chances of irritation.
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Antimicrobial soap should be used strictly once or maximum twice a day after initial healing has passed.
In the shower, place a drop of antimicrobial soap on the piercing for no more than 30 seconds. Gently rinse all the soap from the piercing and jewelry.
Do not wiggle or rotate the jewelry while cleaning it. Use a clean pad or cloth to wipe off any excess and dry your piercing off.
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Read more about best piercing aftercare products for any situation.
Specific Piercing Advice
Certain piercings may require slightly different care than standard ear piercings. Oral and facial piercings especially should be treated with utmost care and attention. The healing process can be more drawn out for these piercings, but this time frame can be reduced with thorough aftercare.
The same guidelines apply no matter what you got pierced: use a gentle saline solution and clean your piercing twice daily.
To aid in healing, avoid irritating it with prolonged movement from coverings or other irritants. Swimming in public pools or open waters should be avoided during healing.
Oral Piercings
It’s important to be careful with oral piercings since they are in a vulnerable location. Instead of in-mouth compresses, swish with a saline solution to achieve a similar cleaning effect. Brush your teeth at least once per day to maintain oral hygiene and eliminate any lingering bacteria from food or drinks.
Surface Piercings
Surface piercings are sensitive and can require more care than other piercings. Jewelry should not be moved or removed for cleaning during the healing process.
Pour some saline solution onto a pad or cloth and use it as a piercing compress for ten minutes. Remove any remaining liquid with a clean towel. Continue this method for the entire healing process.
Some cleaning methods may differ depending on the piercing type and age of the piercing.
One month after getting pierced, antimicrobial soap can be used in place of saline wash.
Two months after, mindfully showering twice a day is enough to keep your piercing clean.
What to Avoid
It is important to avoid certain activities to help your piercing heal faster.
- Do not use alcohol or chemical-based cleaning products. Harsh chemical cleaners can irritate the surrounding area.
- Do not use Bactine or other solutions that contain benzalkonium chloride. It’s advertised to reduce pain since it contains lidocaine, however it will only irritate your piercing since it is not designed specifically for piercing aftercare.
- Do not touch your piercing with dirty hands or other objects. Clean your bedding and clothes often. Dry your piercing with clean materials only.
- Do not swim in public pools or open waters during the initial healing process.
- Do not remove or change the jewelry while the piercing is healing.
- Do find a reputable piercer that pierces with traditional methods and not a piercing gun.
New Piercing Care Checklist
Aftercare recommendations may differ depending on the chosen type of piercing. However, some general rules apply no matter where your piercing is located.
- Do not touch or twist your new piercing. Bacteria on your hands may get into the wound and cause problems.
- Perform a standard cleaning routine no more than twice a day. Use saline to clean it once in the morning and once at night.
- Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before cleaning your piercing to avoid complications.
- Use only barbells & labrets as initial piercing jewelry since they do not move around more during healing. Using rings can actually lengthen healing time.
- Use a longer barbell for piercings like tongue and industrial piercings. Skin surrounding your piercing will initially be irritated, so it’s best to allow enough space for swelling.
- Do not clean your piercing too frequently, as this destroys the creation of the natural bacteria and impede the normal recovery process. Extensive cleaning only causes further irritation and complications.
- Stay in touch with your piercer should you experience problems like excessive swelling, bleeding or pain. For medical emergencies or complications, contact your doctor.
- When should I start my aftercare routine?
You should start your aftercare regimen in the first 24 hours after getting pierced.
- When can I stop my aftercare regimen?
Your piercer should give you some idea of how long to perform aftercare duties. Ear piercing aftercare can be as short as two weeks, while facial or body piercing aftercare can take up to two months.
- What kind of water should I use for cleaning?
Using distilled water is best for piercing care.
- How can I help my piercing heal faster?
Healing all depends on your body, so there isn’t always a way to heal “faster”. However, being diligent with aftercare is your best bet for a speedy healing process.
- Is it normal to have crusted debris around my piercing?
Yes. Crusty debris are a natural bodily reaction to damaged skin and tissue.
- Should I remove crusted debris when cleaning my piercing?
Yes, as long as you can be gentle. It helps to use a warm saline compress to loosen these debris for easy cleaning.
- The skin around my piercing is super dry, what should I do?
This can sometimes be a result of over cleaning or using harsh products. Switch back to saline and cut back slightly on cleaning to see if these make a difference.
- Is it normal for my piercing to be swollen for a long time?
Initial swelling is normal for any piercing. However, this swelling should reduce within the first couple weeks. If swelling has not reduced after two weeks, call your piercer or doctor.
- Is it safe to take a shower with a new piercing?
Yes, just make sure not to bump, spin, or excessively clean your piercing.
- Is it normal to feel dizzy while cleaning my piercing?
Feeling dizzy during cleaning is not normal. Consider changing cleaning products and visit a doctor to make sure allergies or infection are not occurring.
- How can I make a saline solution at home?
Mix four teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt into a gallon of water and shake it up until the salt is dissolved. Voila, a gentle piercing cleaner!
- Can I use table salt instead of sea salt in my saline solution?
No, replacing sea salt is not recommended. Table salt is more harsh and could cause irritation.
- Can I use iodized sea salt instead of non-iodized?
Iodized sea salt contains other chemicals and does not have the same effect, so this is not recommended.
- What is the best piercing cleaner?
The best and simplest piercing cleaner is a sea salt solution.
- Can I remove my jewelry to clean my piercing?
No, jewelry removal is not recommended. You risk your new piercing closing up or exposing it to harsh bacteria.
- Can I twist or move my jewelry while cleaning?
No, you should not twist or rotate the jewelry as this can irritate your piercing. Not moving your jewelry will reduce the chance of getting a piercing bump.
- Can I use hydrogen peroxide?
No. Hydrogen peroxide is harsh for piercings and can cause irritation and dryness.
- Can I use alcohol-based solutions for cleaning my piercing?
No. Alcohol is also harsh for piercings and can cause irritation and dryness.
- Can I change my jewelry 1-2 weeks after piercing?
While it depends on the piercing, this is not usually a good idea. It is recommended to wait at least two months before changing your jewelry.
- How long should I wait before going to the pool or beach?
You should wait until the piercing is completely healed. This depends on your body and the piercing location, but healing usually takes around 1-3 months.
- How do I treat a piercing allergic reaction?
You should not treat allergies by yourself. Contact your piercer or doctor for professional advice.
- How do I treat bleeding piercing?
You can clean any minimal blood off with your normal saline solution. However, your piercing should not bleed much if things are normal. Contact your piercer or doctor if you’re experiencing excessive bleeding.
- How do I care for an infant ear piercing?
The same rules apply for any age, but it’s better to stick with gentle cleaners like saline for the whole healing period.
- Where can I buy saline solutions?
You can find packaged solutions at piercing shops, local pharmacies, or online.
- How do I treat an infected piercing?
Please reference this guide here.
- How do I get rid of a piercing bump?
Please reference this guide here.
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