Tired of the same old earlobe piercings? A transverse lobe piercing might be just what you need to keep things interesting!
Below you’ll find all you need to know about transverse lobe piercings, including cost, procedure details, pain level and healing time. Aftercare product recommendations and a hefty image gallery will help ensure you’ll make this piercing all your own.
What is a Transverse Lobe Piercing?
A transverse lobe piercing is a horizontal puncture through the earlobe. Unlike normal front-to-back piercings, this piercing runs along the side length of the earlobe. Transverse lobe piercings require long barbell jewelry initially to reduce movement.
Should You get a Transverse Lobe Piercing?
As with any piercing, transverse lobe piercings come with their risks and rewards. Check out the pros & cons below to see if this piercing is right for you:
- Transverse lobe piercings are unique and can be customized with different jewelry.
- This piercing is quick and not as painful as many other piercings.
- Piercing infections are always a concern. However, proper aftercare methods drastically reduce this risk.
- This procedure isn’t exactly common. Make sure you find an experienced piercer that has done this piercing before to reduce the risk of a botched procedure.
Piercing Procedure
The most important part of any piercing is finding a reputable piercer. Once you arrive at the shop, your piercer will go over the procedure with you and you’ll fill out some paperwork. Your ear will be cleaned after setup and your piercer will mark the exact spots where the piercing will go. Make sure you’re confident in these marks before moving forward! This piercing is done without surgical clamps because of the tissue involved, and instead uses a receiving tube. For stretched ears, your piercer will likely use a straight needle. For non-stretched ears, a curved needle will be used.
Your piercer will puncture your ear horizontally using one of the methods above. The needle will then be removed and switched out for the appropriate jewelry. Before leaving, your piercer will review aftercare methods with you. Make sure you ask any lingering questions at this time.
Watch below for more info on transverse lobe piercings:
How Much do Transverse Ear Piercings Hurt?
3 out of 10
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Transverse lobe piercings rank at a 3/10 on the pain scale. While this piercing looks like it would be very painful, the earlobe mostly contains fatty tissues and minimal nerves, meaning it’s far less excruciating than it looks.
Your piercing will most likely be sore and swollen for the first few days after the procedure. Cold compresses and anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen can help make this part of healing more tolerable.
Read more about the most & least painful piercings.
Healing and Aftercare
Transverse lobe piercings have a 2 to 10 month healing time because of the amount of skin that is punctured.
Proper aftercare can help speed up the healing process. Follow the guidelines below to get started:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing.
- Sleep on your back or opposite side to avoid putting pressure on your piercing.
- Be extra careful while brushing your hair or changing clothes to avoid snagging.
- Keep objects like phones and pillowcases clean to avoid infection or piercing bumps.
- Avoid over-the-ear headphones during healing.
- Clean your piercing twice per day as described below.
How to Clean Your Piercing
Saline solution is the best piercing cleaner. Grab some at your piercing shop or make your own by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in 8 oz of warm water. Pour some solution on a clean pad or towel and hold it on your piercing for a few minutes. This helps soothe your piercing and loosen any debris that might be present. Gently remove debris and clean your jewelry before discarding the towel. Repeat this procedure once in the morning and once at night to ensure a consistently clean piercing.
Read more about proper aftercare technique.
Recommended Aftercare Products
Sea salt
This piercing sea salt is ideal for making your own saline solution at home.
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Piercing aftercare spray
Saline spray is a great on-the-go option. Throw it in your bag and clean your piercing anywhere!
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Best Jewelry for Transverse Lobe Piercings
After healing, it’s important to make sure you switch your initial jewelry for jewelry that is properly fitted. Initial jewelry is often longer to account for swelling, and this can be dangerous after your piercing is fully healed.
Curved barbells are the most common option for attached ears, while straight barbells are more popular and comfortable with stretched ears. Rings are also an option, but it’s important that they fit correctly and don’t cause irritation.
How Much do Transverse Lobe Piercings Cost?
- In the US, transverse lobe piercings cost $50 for a single and $100 for a pair.
- In the UK, transverse lobe piercings cost £20 for a single and £35 for a pair.
- In Europe, transverse lobe piercings cost €15 for a single and €25 for a pair.
These prices usually reflect the experience of the piercer and include basic jewelry. Any jewelry upgrades will most likely cost more.