The dahlia piercing is named after the mysterious black dahlia murder from 1947. Discover more about this spooky chic piercing below!
Here you’ll find all you need to know about dahlia piercings, including price, pain level, procedure details and healing time. Aftercare product recommendations and an extended photo gallery will ensure you make the dahlia piercing all your own.
What is a Dahlia Piercing?
Dahlia piercing refers to one puncture at each corner of the lips. This piercing has a centering effect and is sometimes called a joker bites piercing.
Should You Get a Dahlia Piercing?
As with any piercing, dahlia piercings have their perks & drawbacks. Check out the pros & cons below to see if this piercing is right for you:
- The dahlia piercing is a fairly uncommon piercing, so having it would set you apart from other piercing enthusiasts.
- This piercing emphasizes the mouth and highlights the smile. It can also help bring symmetry to the face in conjunction with septum or medusa piercings.
- The unique placement of the dahlia piercing can cause problems like jewelry migration or rejection. Make sure you find a reputable piercer to avoid these issues.
- Many piercers may not know this piercing by name since it’s less popular than others. Ensure your piercer has specific experience with this procedure beforehand.
Piercing Procedure
Find a reputable piercer with dahlia piercing experience as your first step. This piercing should not be attempted at home since it is a complicated procedure. Once you arrive at the piercing shop, your piercer will run through the procedure with you and have you fill out some paperwork. Your piercer will take you back when they’re ready and clean off the sides of your mouth. A surgical pen will be used to mark the exact locations of your new piercings. Make sure you like the placement of the marks before moving forward!
Your piercer will then clamp your mouth to keep it steady and puncture it with a hollow needle. The needle will be swiftly switched out for your jewelry. This process will then be repeated on the opposite side. As a last step, your piercer will talk to you about aftercare and make sure you know how to care for your piercing.
The videos below show how a dahlia piercing is performed in real time:
How Much do Dahlia Piercings Hurt?
4 out of 10
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Dahlia piercings rank at a 4/10 on the pain scale since there are two punctures. More nerve endings around the lips increase the pain level compared to other facial piercings.
This relative pain level is completely dependent on your body and pain threshold. You will most likely experience swelling and tenderness for the first few days after getting pierced. Cold compresses and pain medication like ibuprofen can make this period more tolerable.
Read more about the most & least painful piercings.
Healing and Aftercare
Dahlia piercing healing time can take anywhere from 3 to 5 months in total.
Relative healing time can always be reduced with a proper aftercare regimen. Follow the guidelines below to get started:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing.
- Touch your piercing only while cleaning it.
- Avoid using skincare or makeup products around your piercing as it heals.
- Be careful to not move your piercing around when brushing your teeth.
- Keep your piercings clean as outlined below.
How to Clean Your Piercing
You’ll need a gentle saline solution to clean the outside of your piercings. Buy one at your piercing shop or make one at home by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in 8 oz of warm water. Pour some saline solution on a clean pad or towel and hold it on the outside of your piercing for a few minutes. This will help soften any debris that may be stuck to your piercing. Gently pat your jewelry off and discard the pad when finished.
To clean the inside of your piercing, swish non-alcoholic mouthwash after eating or drinking. Repeat the rinses and saline soaks once in the morning and once at night to guarantee your piercing stays consistently clean.
Read more about proper aftercare technique.
Recommended Aftercare Products
Sea salt
This mixture is ideal for making your own saline solution at home.
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Piercing aftercare spray
Saline spray is great for anyone on-the-go. Throw it in your bag and clean your piercing anywhere!
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What to Avoid During Healing
Avoiding the following will help your piercing heal faster:
- Pulling or twisting your jewelry.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods.
- Oral contact with other people or things.
- Jewelry removal. Early jewelry removal can cause your piercing to completely close.
- Swimming in public pools or open waters.
Dahlia Piercing Risks
All piercings present a certain level of risk that you should know about beforehand. Be sure to weigh out the risks of oral piercings below:
- Jewelry rejection and migration. The unusual location of the dahlia piercing may trigger jewelry migration or rejection. To avoid this, insist on high quality jewelry like surgical steel or titanium. This will help reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions as well.
- Gum and tooth erosion. Ill-fitting jewelry may move around and lead to gum or tooth erosion. Longer jewelry is often used initially to account for swelling, but be sure to change out your jewelry after the healing period for a better fit.
- Scaring. Scarring does not normally occur without piercing infection or damage. Consult your piercer if you experience prolonged bleeding or swelling.
- Infections or piercing bumps. These are risks for any piercing because bacteria is everywhere. Clean your piercing twice per day as outlined above to reduce the risk of infection.
Best Jewelry for Dahlia Piercings
Studs are the best initial jewelry for dahlia piercings, and shorter versions can be switched out after healing. Captive bead rings or hoops are a showy alternative if you’re feeling outlandish!
How Much Do Dahlia Piercings Cost?
- In the US, dahlia piercings range from $20 to $80.
- In the UK, dahlia piercings range from £15 to £85.
- In Europe, dahlia piercing range from €20 to €90.
This price usually indicates the experience of the piercer and includes basic jewelry. Any jewelry upgrades will most likely cost more.