Considering a lip piercing that clearly stands out? Look no further than the jestrum piercing!
Below you’ll find all you need to know about jestrum piercings. Topics like pain level, procedure details, cost and healing time are covered so you’ll know exactly what to expect. Aftercare product recommendations and a large photo gallery will help you make the jestrum piercing all your own.
What is a Jestrum Piercing?
A jestrum piercing is a downward puncture through the middle of the upper lip. This piercing is often called a vertical medusa piercing because the top philtrum perforation looks very similar to a standard medusa piercing. This piercing exits at the bottom front of the top lip.
Should You get a Jestrum Piercing?
As with any piercing, jestrum piercings have their risks and rewards. Peruse the pros & cons below to see if this piercing is right for you:
- Jestrum piercings will definitely get you noticed since they are not as common as some other lip piercings.
- This piercing offers a feminine look that calls attention to the lip area and centers the face.
- Consider your lip structure. These piercings are most stable on a thicker upper lip, and lacking this characteristic may render this piercing not possible.
- It’s important that this piercing procedure is done correctly. Choose a piercer that has experience with jestrum piercings to avoid crooked or non-symmetrical piercings.
Piercing Procedure
The first step to any complicated piercing procedure is finding a reputable piercer. When you arrive at the shop, your piercer will go over the procedure with you and you’ll fill out some paperwork. After setup, your lip will be cleaned prior to piercing and your piercer will mark the location on your top lip. Make sure you like this location before moving forward!
When you’re both ready, your piercer will use a clamp to hold your top lip in place and push the hollow needle through the tissue. Afterwards, your jewelry will be inserted through the needle to complete the procedure. Before leaving, your piercer will review aftercare instructions with you. Make sure to ask any lingering questions before leaving.
Check out the video below to see the jestrum piercing procedure in real time:
How Much do Jestrum Piercings Hurt?
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Jestrum piercing pain ranks at a 5/10 on the pain scale. This piercing punctures thick, sensitive tissue that makes it more painful than some other oral piercings. However, your pain level will always be dictated by your individual pain threshold.
You will most likely experience swelling and tenderness for a few days after your piercing procedure. Taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or using cold compresses helps make this experience more pleasant.
Read more about the most & least painful piercings.
Healing and Aftercare
Initial jestrum healing time takes anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks. Full healing can take up to 6 months.
You may be able to reduce your healing time by being thorough with proper aftercare. Follow the guidelines below for a happy and healthy piercing:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing.
- Do not remove your jewelry until your piercing has completely healed. Early jewelry removal can cause full piercing closure.
- Maintain proper oral hygiene during healing.
- Be extra careful when brushing or flossing your teeth.
- Clean your piercing twice per day as described below.
Read more about proper aftercare technique.
How to Clean Your Piercing
Get ahold of some non-alcoholic mouthwash for everyday cleaning. Make sure to swish with mouthwash promptly after eating or drinking.
To clean the outside of your piercing, buy or make your own saline solution. Making your own is easy: dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 8 oz of warm water and you’re all set! Pour some saline solution on a clean pad or towel and hold it on your piercing for a few minutes. This helps soothe your piercing and loosen any debris that might be stuck. Gently wipe your jewelry clean and discard the towel. Use the rest of the saline solution to swish near your piercing to clean the inside. Repeat this procedure once in the morning and once at night for a consistently clean piercing.
Recommended Aftercare Products
Sea salt
This piercing sea salt is ideal for making your own saline solution at home.
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Piercing aftercare spray
Saline spray is a great on-the-go option. Throw it in your bag and clean your piercing anywhere!
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What to Avoid During Healing
Avoid the following habits to reduce the likelihood of piercing issues:
- Playing with or removing your jewelry. Early jewelry removal can cause full piercing closure, and playing with your piercing can cause scarring.
- Drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods.
- Applying lipstick or cosmetics to the healing area.
- Oral contact with other people or objects.
- Swimming in the rivers, lakes or public swimming pools.
Jestrum Piercing Risks
As with any piercing, oral piercings have their own risks that are showcased below:
- Infection or piercing bumps. Maintaining proper aftercare and avoiding the above habits work wonders to reduce infection risk. However, infection is always a concern during healing. If you experience prolonged swelling, oozing, pain or bleeding, contact your piercer or doctor immediately.
- Tooth erosion. The placement of this piercing means your jewelry may damage your upper teeth. Choose fitted jewelry after healing is complete to reduce the risk of tooth or gum issues.
- Scarring. Playing with your jewelry is an automatic risk for piercing scarring. Do not touch your piercing other than to clean it, and always make sure your jewelry is fitted to your lip.
Best Jewelry
The most common jewelry for jestrum piercings is a curved barbell. This jewelry type fits the shape of the piercing perfectly.
You can play around with different jewelry options after healing is complete. Always insist on stainless steel or titanium to avoid allergic reactions. Make sure your jewelry is fitted to your lip and choose ends that make your personality shine!
How Much do Jestrum Piercings Cost?
- In the US, jestrum piercings cost anywhere from $30 – $60.
- In the UK, jestrum piercings cost anywhere from £20 – £50.
- In Europe, jestrum piercings cost anywhere from €15 – €40.
Jestrum Piercing Experiences